Under a charter of Henry VII, dated 1st August, 1500, the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Cork extended;
"as far as the shore, point, or strand called Rewrawne, on the western side of the said port, and as far as to the shore, point, or strand of the sea, called Benowdran, on the eastern part of the said port, and as far as the castle of Carngrohan, on the western side of the said City and in all towns, pills, creeks, birds and stands in and to which the sea ebbs and flows in length and breadth within the aforesaid two points, called Rewrawne and Benowdran".
The 'Throwing of the Dart' in Cork Harbour, midway between Rewrawne and Benowdran by the Mayor or Lord Mayor was said to be an assertion of this jurisdiction.
There is also the theory that the custom was of Viking origin.